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Quick Information for Youth Groups For Youth Groups
Observations and Information

Reid Ranch Resort hosts ward and stake youth conferences/girls camps throughout each summer.  We have been amazed at the planning and creativity that goes into these Conferences.  The information on this page can give a heads up in planning for your youth group.

  • Reid Ranch sends two packets to the Host, or individual who makes the reservation, before their arrival.  The first is the Guest Booklet (sent out in reservation packet) and the second is the Vacation Guide (60 days before arrival).  These publications contain important and vital information regarding your group conference.  This information should be read and distributed to all group members and parents.  It can also be found on this website under Publications on the Downloads tab.
  • Every group is given a Rotation Schedule which tells the times they will be able to participate in certain activities on the Ranch.  The schedule is sent out 30 days prior to arrival or after final payment is received.  This schedule informs when each group will have a time to horseback ride, enjoy our lakefront activities, and mountain bike.  It also has times when groups can enjoy the sports court, sand volleyball court, soccer field, and swimming pools.  Be aware that archery is not on this schedule as it is an activity anyone can do throughout the day.
  • Notice the number of persons that can be at an activity at one time.  For example, horseback riding can only allow 18 riders per timeslot.
  • Because of the limit on the number of people per activity, many groups split their youth into separate groups.  For example, they may color coordinate the groups as in the red group, the yellow group, the green group, and so on.  This allows the leaders to direct the youth to what times they will participate in the activities throughout their stay so that everyone gets a chance to go to each activity.
  • Please note, a leader needs to accompany the youth to each activity.  We have seen in the past young men and women going to activities without leaders and the leaders end up not knowing where their youth are.  The Ranch is a big place and we don’t want anyone wandering off or getting lost while moving from activity to activity or while exploring.  For safety measures, please have leaders with the youth at all times.
  • The scheduled times for activities vary and are spread out throughout their trip.  This means there will be extra time in the day for groups to plan their own activities such as team workshops, scavenger hunts, faith walks, church lectures and times to enjoy our archery, mini-golf and batting cage.
  • Groups are excited and anxious to get to the Ranch and start their adventure.  That being said, keep in mind that groups are usually leaving while other groups are arriving.  If a group arrives earlier than the usual time of 11:30am, if lodging, or 11:00am, if camping, then arriving groups will need to wait before unloading.  Please arrive as close to the appropriate time as possible.
  • Upon arrival, the Ranch holds a 15-20 minute orientation for each new group before they eat lunch.  The staff will tell the group where the activities and important buildings, such as the Dining Hall, are located.  They will go over some safety measures and policies.  Encourage your youth to listen during this time.
  • The orientation is also where the Waiver of Claims Forms will be given to the staff.  No guests will be able to participate in any activities without this form.  The packets that are sent to the Group Host before arrival will have more information on this important document.
  • Please advise the leaders and youth to be respectful to all Ranch property.  Everything the Ranch has is to provide for its guests.  We don’t want anything to be broken or damaged as it takes a long time to replace things because we are in the mountains and away from replacement facilities.
  • Water is available in our Dining Hall as well as multiple water spigots around the Ranch where camping groups can fill up their water coolers.  All water on the Ranch is drinkable with the exception of the irrigation water.
  • The Trading Post and Souvenir Shop have snacks for purchase.  Encourage the youth to being some extra money if they’d like to buy some treats!
  • If camping, we encourage groups to bring canopies to set up.  Trees are not near any of our camping areas to provide shade.  We recommend bringing camping chairs as well.
  • Our staff is there to help each group have an enjoyable and safe time.  Please don’t hesitate to ask them any questions or requests.  Youth groups are in for an adventure to experience!  We hope this list gave you good information on what to expect and how to better plan.